Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beginners Aion Crafting Guide – Part 1

This Aion crafting guide will teach you how to get started, both for the Asmodian and Elyos factions.

Crafting is a big part of the game, and can take time to perfect. But it’s well worth it thanks to the possibilities of both creating some awesome gear for yourself, as well as earning Kinah by selling things to others.

There are six types of crafting in the game: Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Alchemy, Cooking, Sewing, and Handicrafting.

Learning to craft


In Aion you have the freedom of being able to learn every single type of craft, no matter what character choices you make. The only limitation being that each character can only master two of them.

Which ones you choose to master might depend on if your main goal is to sell to others for a profit, or what type of character you are playing.

Now, depending on if you are Asmodian or Elysian, here’s what you’ll need to do first to start honing your crafting skills:

For Asmodae, go to Pandaemonium, then the Temple of Artisans. Once there, speak to the appropiate NPCs to learn the different crafts:

Rogi (Weaponsmithing)

Lanse (Handcrafting)

Zyakia (Sewing)

Lainita (Cooking)

Kinterun (Armorsmithing)

Honir (Alchemy)

For the Elyos faction, go to Sanctum, and then head to the Artisans’ Hall.

Here are the names of the NPCs and their associated crafting skills:

Anteros (Weaponsmithing)

Utsida (Handicrafting)

Daphnis (Sewing)

Hestia (Cooking)

Vulcanus (Armorsmithing)

Diana (Alchemy)

As you level up, you can also visit the local supplies salesman to get new Crafting recipes.

Getting to know the Crafting window


Once you’ve spoken to the NPCs and learned whatever crafts you wanted, it’s time to get acquainted with the Crafting interface. You’ll be visiting it a lot, so you two better become the best of friends.

First open up your Skills window, then pick the Crafting tab. Once there, you can right click a craft to open up it’s interface.

In there you can see your current skill level for that particular craft. It’ll only show 99 levels if you’re new to the game, but all crafts are able to get as high as 399. (the ones you choose to Master goes even higher than that)

Once you reach lvl.99 though you’ll have to return to the NPC of your craft to purchase the ability to go higher.

Below the level bar you can see all of the recipes you have available, sorted by category.

To see the required materials for each recipe, just left click on it and you’ll see the ingredients appear in the window to the right.

At the bottom right of the window you can also choose the number of items you want to produce at a time.

This only goes as high as what your currently owned ingredients will allow.

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