Monday, October 12, 2009

1.2 Spirit Master in Aion


2 words discribe this class over powered! with a twist! This class with the right player behind it is unbeatable. every single person at once to put this guy to the test. at level 30 you can took on 4 elyos players at once, when all was said and done, there laid 4 dead elyos while i was still at 75% HP and about 10% mana.

The reason spirit masters are so powerful is not because they 2 shot people or because they perma CC players or any bullshit like that. They're so powerful because this is the first class in your career as a gamer that really brings out a players true skill. The only class you can compare them to as far as how skill based they are is a PvE affliction warlock in TBC WoW.

To the scrubs of the world, please do roll spirit masters but do it on the elyos side so can completely demolish you.If you have no time to earn Aion gold,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price .We will try our best to help you .

To get more in depth to the class, they summon minions to help them do battle. your minions are capable of soloing monsters. You have more CC than any other class in the game, this includes sorcs. you also have moderately high dmg. if you want to buy aion gold , you can get it from our website at the lowest price.

This is the ultimate class for skilled players who like to gain youtube fame. You'll see posting video after video of taking on so many players at once that your head will spin and walking away unscaved.

Spirit masters though powerful are still clothies. this means if you not very careful and SMART about your next move you'll still die in a heart beat just like your sorcerer counter part.

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