Monday, October 12, 2009

Aion 4.0 priests guides

Priests are the best of the 4 starters when it comes to 1v1. But sadly they are the worst dps. You could spned more time leveling one of your priests than it took you to level both your mages and probably one of your warriors! You can buy aion gold here. Another sad thing about them is though they are more mana efficent than the mage they do run out of mana every once and a while, which is not as easy to gain back as health which you can both bandage and pop a pot to regain.

Here you can get cheap aion kina. The nice thing about priests is they are the turtle in the game. They're slow but steady. You can kill monsters with little mana loss if you can get a good rotation down. gaining health back instead of bandaging is a single heal away. They are also a higher armor class and can use shields! This makes it so these guys just do not die ever.

If you die as a priest /quit and never play an mmo ever again because it does not get easier than these guys! You could suggest warriors over priests however to noobies as mana management is something most noobs just cant grasp the concept of. They go balls to the wall and wonder why they die when they're out of mana while fighting 3 guys at once. Priests really do give you that feeling of immoratality which priests unfortunately enough do come just shy of =P. You can buy aion gold.

1.2 Spirit Master in Aion


2 words discribe this class over powered! with a twist! This class with the right player behind it is unbeatable. every single person at once to put this guy to the test. at level 30 you can took on 4 elyos players at once, when all was said and done, there laid 4 dead elyos while i was still at 75% HP and about 10% mana.

The reason spirit masters are so powerful is not because they 2 shot people or because they perma CC players or any bullshit like that. They're so powerful because this is the first class in your career as a gamer that really brings out a players true skill. The only class you can compare them to as far as how skill based they are is a PvE affliction warlock in TBC WoW.

To the scrubs of the world, please do roll spirit masters but do it on the elyos side so can completely demolish you.If you have no time to earn Aion gold,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price .We will try our best to help you .

To get more in depth to the class, they summon minions to help them do battle. your minions are capable of soloing monsters. You have more CC than any other class in the game, this includes sorcs. you also have moderately high dmg. if you want to buy aion gold , you can get it from our website at the lowest price.

This is the ultimate class for skilled players who like to gain youtube fame. You'll see posting video after video of taking on so many players at once that your head will spin and walking away unscaved.

Spirit masters though powerful are still clothies. this means if you not very careful and SMART about your next move you'll still die in a heart beat just like your sorcerer counter part.

Aion Aerial Combat guides

Here you can get cheap aion kina. You will eventually run into an Aerial Combat scenario with another player while playing Aion. It is important to know that other players have abilities that will take away your wings. On a similar note it is also very important that you know you have abilities to take away other players wings. These abilities make for very funny "lol" moments as you watch others plumet to the ground. It it very similar to ground combat players will also gain bonuses while moving around in the air. Below is a quick run down of the bonuses players will gain.

Attack Bonus: Moving forward increases your attack bonus and decreases your phyiscal defense and magical resistances.

Block Bonus: Moving backwards increases your block bonus. Here you can buy aion kinah.

Evasion Bonus: Moving Side to side increases your evasion rating.

Here you can get cheap aion money. It is very important to understand, the first time you get your wings, you won't be an expert flyer. Nor will you be fully coordinated. You can just ask questions, read guides and even watch videos. You'll be able to see yourself quickly improve.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Aion The 3 ranged classes

-Don't wanna get steamrolled in 1 on 1/smallscale pvp.

Spirit master: only cc that doesn't break and has offensive dispel + group buffs like lowering resistances or other power ups, even abnormal condition dispel on 2min cd. Here you can get professional Aion powerleveling.

Ranger: lowest cd on aerial lockdown, useful for other teammates, -50% heal, anti stealth detect and some other nasty debuff gadgets.

Cleric: only main healer around, has -50% heal spell and spam dispel. We provide cheapest aion money here.

Chanter: awesome mantra's and buffs, offhealing with strong hots and debuffs.

Gladiator: only melee with Aoe attacks.

They all bring something that is unique, by those standards you wouldn't need a sorc. Here you can buy aion kinah.


-gearlooks: Robes are epic awesome and moulding energy with hands rocks too, epic feeling. Ranger can't do that.

-Don't want to suffer in large scale pvp, ppl throwing dots everywhere = mage cc breaks, dots everywhere=large part of spirit master dmg overwritten.

Ranger don't suffer in this situation. You should start the 25th hope and make a alt toon when you younger bro joins like 1month later.

Aion Series Wizard Star equipment skills

1, Upgrade: Wizard series is the fastest and the most boring, first you can go to the Forum to see if Magic family will do the task, you could look at this is to tell you the wizard friends, with the exception must be do the task, all other tasks not do it, the following example in order to Mozu Daguai :1-9 all the way to the nine received a transfer task just spring 10, changing maps, and to fetch water and then play muu wizard , to 16 can go to Blackfoot kite-flying, and from trade group over there, you can also Kaguai soon will be able to rise a few strange, put it 21, what should change maps, and to Mo playing mushrooms, direct hit 25, and then into the abyss ... into the abyss to fight dragons, hit the top 29 will be able to go into the abyss, and a direct move to the upper floor of the ancient city playing near the soul, to 30, then go down, here are a lot of the island, playing above the logo, soon to be able to brush after 34,34, and the first hit points, hit the magic stones, at least more than 720 magic hit, or else will be dead, but to brush the back door of the elite, where all passive strange, but can Kaguai. This would not have fought 36,37, where the time to rise to 39,37 shoes changed, and 39 after the revolution, went to cards group, to go to 45. You can buy cheap aion Kinah here.

2, equipped: Wizard of equipment you can not ask for much more than just holes, playing life and hit a stone, an increase of stone you did experiment, the effect is not stars, weapons and a matter of personal preference.

3, skill: You can not afford to experience, approach, one, and one duel, 2, Diaoxie the natural environment 3 minutes, soul, died after treatment for the first time can not afford to experience at any time. We will provide you cheap aion money here.

Province Dianka approach: for each flight time according to ESC, choose characters, and then, directly on to the destination!

No injury pull strange: with the baby to attack Similarly, let the baby wants to pull the strange attack which what strange, strange that baby's death will find you, optimistic about the distance , the first time invasion of candle, or else white drawing, the comic will be run. You can enjoy professional Aion powerleveling.

Mixed series of stars can be seen that the wizard to see your baby will know how much grade you have.

Baby increase by 20% off Po skills, after repeated experiments, starting hands to use, likely the largest online popular blame death in use is misleading ...

Experiences stage star bow in Aion

1: The strange resurrection of points is essential. You could spend more than two months, has a share in less than four points, resurrection, and our resurrection point, no one has yet been able to find. That is the base behind the enemy lines, resurrection point is the Army's top secret, only to allow people to bring one to one and all bring points, at least observe a month or more. We can not arbitrarily open. You could play at some point one million OBS, and for your next one million, you could do your best to protect those secrets. And even more sensuality, more convenient, more direct. You must be psychologically prepared for later, it is necessary to live down, to supply, tied at points back to town, bought things, suicide back. Here you can get the cheapest aion Kinah.

2: hunting props: 30 Move volume, top-blink back to red medicine, magic pill, rhubarb, slowly back to top of red, slow back, blink back to blue, the top food, sealing the soul stone, plus Paosu title, one less. Time is not yet universal mobile volumes, so there will be a speed Teleport linked to the beginning user in the world. Your chances of winning are still on the steady increase when you are ready for everything. You can get cheap aion money here.

3: Terrain: Every map, every village must be familiar terrain. There is an offensive point, Where is the evacuation point, where is the ambush point, only to find out, and are familiar with, that in order to have more opportunities for small wins.

4: Team configuration: Basically, you could get the configuration of two ways:

(You can enjoy professional Aion powerleveling)One is playing OBS point, so the purpose of asking your team is not more than three individuals, four individuals is the peak of the. Such co-ordination are necessary to have prepared for you, you are destined to be surrounded, was stopped, you can at some point struggled for too long, was dumplings, you have to face frankly.

Aion Abyss Point System Guides

In fact, the system encourages you to avoid pvp unless you are almost certain you can win, cheap aion kina is needed for you to play the game. This doesn't encourage competitive fights against 2+ skilled people/teams. It encourages anything but fair competition. It encourages ganking lowbies/unskilled/under-geared and zerging. It also seems to heavily favor the classes that can pick their fights, kill quickly, and avoid being caught solo. You can have a look to look at the Korean ranking system, almost half the people in the top 10 are assassins.

On the other hand, they need to change the system. If you have no time to earn aion money,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. Their should be a penalty for dying, but the system should encourage you to participate not avoid group PvP. It's a tough balance. You don't want to turn the system into an extremely boring and tedious grind. Maybe you can give large bonuses for group vs group play and a ranking system for gear and level so killing lowbies and under geared players give little or no AP. These are just ideas you have seen used in other games. The basic idea is you want to encourage people to go into the abyss in a group and fight it out against other groups. People are not permitted to hide in stealth ganking people as they level or farm. People are always going to gank and zerg, it seems to be human nature, but the ranking system should not encourage that type of play.

Friday, October 9, 2009

5.1 PVP Guides in Aion

In this section you could use the three symbols, those being ( > < = )

> means the class can be defeated

< means the class most likely wont be defeated

= means the class is on an equal playing feild

This is also data taken from level 25+ characters going against those within 2 levels of them.

Cleric: = templar = Spirit Master = Gladiator > Ranger > Sorcerer < Assassin < Chanter

Templar: = Cleric < Spirit Master = Gladiator = Ranger < Sorcerer > Assassin < Chanter

Spirit Master: = Cleric > Templar > Gladiator > Ranger = Sorcerer > Assassin = Chanter

Gladiator: = Cleric = Templar < Spirit Master > Ranger < Sorcerer = Assassin = Chanter

Ranger: < Cleric = Templar < Spirit Master < Gladiator < Sorcerer = Assassin =Chanter

Sorcerer: < Cleric > Templar = Spirit Master > Gladiator > Ranger > Assassin = Chanter

Assassin: > Cleric < Templar < Spirit Master = Gladiator = Ranger < Sorcerer = Chanter

Chanter: > Cleric > Templar = Spirit Master = Gladiator > Ranger > Sorcerer = Assassin

Aion Logical Looting FAQs

Logical looting will be used for all guild raids. When epic loot drops, these filters are applied in the following order:

1. Who is an Elysium member?

Prioritizes Elysium members first.

2. Which classes are able to equip the item?

Ensures that players receiving items are actually able to use them.

3. Which classes is the item most suited for?

Solves the issue of hybrid classes that are able to equip nearly anything.

4. At what level is the item equipable?

Items go to players able to use the item.

5. Which specs/skill sets does the item benefit?

Players' skill sets prioritize them

6. Who has the higher legion rank?

Higher ranking legion members are always first to be equipped.

7. Has the player already received an item from this raid?

Ensures that loot is distributed as evenly as possible.

New members are not added to the list until they have been a member for 2 weeks or participated in 2 raids .

New members are added in at the bottom of the list.

Players who miss a large number of raids or don't show up on time may drop in standing. This way, regular attendees receive priority.

Players may have their priority upped for exceptional deeds.

8. If no player wishes to use their priority, roll.

Allows chance to be the final decision maker, if necessary.

Aion the Star bow jump shot tips

At first, you should be clear why we've got the skills to shoot is not a simple prompt! In fact, the greatest significance of the jump shot and the opponent at the same time to distance, but also to attack their enemies instead of shooting a target in place, or in pursuit of opponents will not be stalled because of the skills of the opponent throw off. It was also clear that these post will feel dispensable Mody jump shot. There is a unique process to go forward-bit systems attack power by 10% of the addition of the jump shot in the Star bow can be enjoyed throughout the Oh! Addition of this 10% of the attacks you are very concerned about.

In fact, it is very simply a question of pace. In addition to Lasso and bursts of two other attacks skills are skills you can jump from any height between floor landing skills by skills are up to instantaneous results. The Lasso and the bursts of these two skills need to jump to the floor after the posture, while the whereabouts of the skills can be achieved by prompt results. These two skills in running, also can not stop the release, they are many people think that these two skills, no need to hit a jump.

In fact, this hands together close recruit time and you are sure less of a skill at least. Then you can talk about the double jump shot, Gu were willing to jump one floor for instantaneous two skills. For example, the whereabouts of movements close to the ground after takeoff when the landing according to lasso an instant and then silence This will prompt a jump Lasso and silence two skills I have not tried jumping as 3,4,5. Double jump shot before the revision is really sharp. Since that update also advertised the eternal guardian of the double-hop decline. However, the current version can still double jump after the radio bursts can be arbitrarily pick the first two bow and arrow skills in ways I do not say the double jump if there are other skills, experience with the hope that under the master do not mean pointing out.

Aion 2.0 Scout newb guides

In fact, the scout right now is the under dog of the 4 starter classes. If you have no time to earn,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. We will try our best to help you. They are easily defeated in duels against the other 4 starters, though they are second only to mages in speed when killing mobs.

According to survey, Scouts have the chance to do some really nasty crits in the short time you get to play them. To give you an idea of just how intense a scout can be at level 4 your scout one shot a level 5. You could find out if this is simply a bug in the system that is allowing them to get off such insaine crits or if its "working as intended". But this little nitch allows scouts to get a nice little suprise every once and a while while leveling.

They do not use mana for any skills from knowledge, they either don't or use so little that you never noticed your mana ever being an issue. As far as leveling a scout they're the straight forward kill class. They have enough armor and health to kill monsters without any smoke and mirror tricks.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Aion Templar and The Gladiator Guides


Department of the traditional fighters, dressed in heavy weapons with diversification, the use of a wide range of skills(cheap aion kina) to carry out the attack of the game, the game belong to the attack exporter. He also can be used with the greatest number of weapons of occupation, not only can get his hands big sword, gun, holding hands and arms can also be double-edged short soldiers to carry out attacks, physical attacks on their own diverse skills(aion money), but also knocked down a lot, the Roll Back Diversionary attacks, the scope of the attacks have not beat him, wear heavy equipment can be combined with the high volume of physical, is a battleground in the destroyer.


Chijian hand, a hand-held shields, dressed in heavy combat armor can be cured with the use of some of the defensive skills(aion Kinah), in the hands of the shield could be the right time to attack the enemy's weapons in the second group, Shou Huxing not only focus on defense, also in the battle Can be used to counter the powerful ability to paralyze the enemy. In addition there are still soldiers Shouhu Xing nature of the group have more than Two-handed Sword attack skills and even technology portfolio in a row, when necessary, can be switched into high-strength attack brave, with a Two-handed Sword in a row for technical or counter attack.

Aion's European community team makes the leap across the pond

Going along with the continuous restructuring of NCsoft West, the European Aion community team has recently been invited to take the long swim across the Atlantic Ocean and join US community manager Liv in Seattle, forming a unified Aion community team.

Sebastian "Ayase" Streiffert, the United Kingdom community manager, and Martin "Amboss" Rabl, the German community manager will be flying to the United States, while Loic "Atreid" Claveau, the French community manager, has declined the position in favor of moving to the marketing department in Brighton.

Ayase, Amboss, and Atreid have all written blog posts reflecting on their individual decisions, and they can be read over at the Aion Europe community site. Amboss's and Atreid's posts have been written in their native languages, but it's nothing that a web translator can't handle. (And by handle I mean rip to shreds, but at least give you the general idea.)

Aion Lore:The Tower of Eternity Moves Forward in a World Divided

Well,Aion Lore:The Tower of Eternity Moves Forward in a World Divided is published here for you.

The fantasy setting of NCsoft's Aion: The Tower of Eternity, known as Atreia, is a world largely divided between the upper world dwellers called Asmodians and the lower world denizens, the Elyos. Once a single united people, the game's lore has been expanding, telling the story of how the rifts between Atreia's people formed.

In the wake of the Epic Cataclysm, the Elyos and Asmodians have their own tales to tell. This is the focus of Chapter VII of the Atreia story. The Elyos tale continues with "The Abyss and The Storm Legion" while the Asmodian story is told through "Retribution". Both tales are accounts of the same event, told from opposed perspectives. Check out how Aion's lore is advancing through the dual perspectives of the Elyos and Asmodians in Chapter VII.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beginners Aion Crafting Guide – Part 2

Getting your hands dirty


To start out, speak to the Aion crafting NPC of your choice and accept his or her work order (you do this by clicking on “Craft Request”).

Doing NPC work orders will raise your skill level for that particular craft.

To get the necessary materials for a recipe, visit the salesman in the same room.

Now it’s time to find a workstation. Once you’re at one, right-click it to open up the crafting window.

Then pick the recipe you just received.

Something you need to know is that, because your skill level is still very low, chances are you will fail to produce the items from time to time. Just try again until you succeed.

The higher you level your crafts, the less risk of failure you’ll get. Eventually you might get to a point where there’s zero risk involved in producing your product.

Until then, make sure that you always have enough of the items you need to produce whatever it is you’re working on. Buy a few extra so you can keep going even if you fail a couple of times.

To calculate the amount of items needed you can use these expected approximate failure rate values:

Skill level is the same as recipe level = 33%

Skill level is 3P higher than recipe level = 15%

Skill level is 6P higher than recipe level = 7%

Once you go above 10P, the risk of failure is below two percent.

Crafting special items – spin the wheel of fortune


Every time you craft an item it has the chance of turning into a better version of itself.

One example could be that you’re crafting a standard green armor, but now all of a sudden it turns blue!

When this happens you can definitely earn a profit from it. So keep on churning out those items, eventually you’ll get lucky too!

Beginners Aion Crafting Guide – Part 1

This Aion crafting guide will teach you how to get started, both for the Asmodian and Elyos factions.

Crafting is a big part of the game, and can take time to perfect. But it’s well worth it thanks to the possibilities of both creating some awesome gear for yourself, as well as earning Kinah by selling things to others.

There are six types of crafting in the game: Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Alchemy, Cooking, Sewing, and Handicrafting.

Learning to craft


In Aion you have the freedom of being able to learn every single type of craft, no matter what character choices you make. The only limitation being that each character can only master two of them.

Which ones you choose to master might depend on if your main goal is to sell to others for a profit, or what type of character you are playing.

Now, depending on if you are Asmodian or Elysian, here’s what you’ll need to do first to start honing your crafting skills:

For Asmodae, go to Pandaemonium, then the Temple of Artisans. Once there, speak to the appropiate NPCs to learn the different crafts:

Rogi (Weaponsmithing)

Lanse (Handcrafting)

Zyakia (Sewing)

Lainita (Cooking)

Kinterun (Armorsmithing)

Honir (Alchemy)

For the Elyos faction, go to Sanctum, and then head to the Artisans’ Hall.

Here are the names of the NPCs and their associated crafting skills:

Anteros (Weaponsmithing)

Utsida (Handicrafting)

Daphnis (Sewing)

Hestia (Cooking)

Vulcanus (Armorsmithing)

Diana (Alchemy)

As you level up, you can also visit the local supplies salesman to get new Crafting recipes.

Getting to know the Crafting window


Once you’ve spoken to the NPCs and learned whatever crafts you wanted, it’s time to get acquainted with the Crafting interface. You’ll be visiting it a lot, so you two better become the best of friends.

First open up your Skills window, then pick the Crafting tab. Once there, you can right click a craft to open up it’s interface.

In there you can see your current skill level for that particular craft. It’ll only show 99 levels if you’re new to the game, but all crafts are able to get as high as 399. (the ones you choose to Master goes even higher than that)

Once you reach lvl.99 though you’ll have to return to the NPC of your craft to purchase the ability to go higher.

Below the level bar you can see all of the recipes you have available, sorted by category.

To see the required materials for each recipe, just left click on it and you’ll see the ingredients appear in the window to the right.

At the bottom right of the window you can also choose the number of items you want to produce at a time.

This only goes as high as what your currently owned ingredients will allow.

Elyos Beginners Level Guide – Part 2 of 2

Turn in all the quests in and around town, and pick up new ones. If you can, buy some new skills and equipment, seeing as you should have gained a level or two by now.

If your level is high enough (5 or better), the armor salesman should have a quest for you that you don’t want to miss, so be sure to talk to her. If not, you’ve probably missed a quest somewhere. Check your Quest menu for information.

Outside of town, along the road leading North East, there should also be a quest NPC when you’ve reached level 5.

Daminu Forest


Now it’s time to follow the road leading up to Daminu Forest. Inside the forest there are three NPC’s with quests just along the road.

One of them involves killing Grove Abex. They also have a chance of dropping a quest item of their own, so even if you’ve finished the Abex Skins quest, if you haven’t gotten a quest item; keep on killing until you do. The item in question is Namus’s Diary.

Once you’ve finished this first line of quests, you should have reached level 6. This unlocks some more quests in Akarios village, so be sure to pick up and finish those before going any further.

Now you will be able to find quests that send you to Melponeh’s Campsite. In the areas leading from the Daminu Forest and beyond you will start encountering mobs that attack you on sight.Thus it would be a good idea to get some new skills and equipment upgrades. Get to level 7, then return to Akarios Village for that. While there, go to the Armor salesman again to pick up the second part of the Pernos’s Robe quest line.

You have a choice of which ornament you want to give Pernos. If you wish to give him the best possible one, find the leader of the worgs, Scar, in his cave not far from the Melponeh Campsite.

After getting any of the items required for the delivery of the robe, head north towards the Agaric Spore Road to find Pernos. Give him the robe and accept any quests that he has to offer. Now go finish those.

If by now you have reached level 9 you will have to do the Ascension Quest to be able to get to level 10. But I still recommend that you finish all of the quests so you don’t have to come back here later on in the game.

So now we go to the far west area of the Agoric Spore Road. There you will meet the NPC that allows you to finish the Tula’s Music Box quest and also get the last quests before me move on to…

The Ascension Quest


Head back to Pernos’ place and talk to him to recieve the quest. From here you go back to Akarios Village, tracking your way back to the Agaric Spore Road again while finishing the steps of this first part of the quest.

Now that you are back again, talk to Pernos once again to have him send you to the abyss where you will have to fight. And there you have it! Level 10 achieved. You will now be able to choose a class and Pernos will send you to Sanctum.

Elyos Beginners Level Guide – Part 1 of 2

This is the beginners Aion leveling guide for the Elyos faction that is meant to get you from level 1 to 10 as quickly as possible.

When you first enter the game you will be located in the Akarios Plains, far to the south. There should be a character (NPC) with a blue arrow above him standing not far from you. Talk to him and he will give you a quest to go talk to another NPC.

After talking to the second NPC you should now already have received the instructions for your next quest, which is to kill a few enemies (mobs) called Striped Kerubs. They can be found running around in the area where you’re standing.

When you are done killing them, return to the NPC for yet another quest.

This time you will go collecting grain sacks from a camp in the same area by right clicking on them. Do that without killing any mobs and return once again to the same character and give him the grain.

He will now ask you to go further up North to Akarios Village. On the way there, make sure to collect Aria plants (they can be found sprinkled here and there along the way, right click them to collect). This will increase your gathering skill, and I would recommend to keep doing this until you reach a skill level of 15. This will allow you to collect iron-ore a little later on in the game.

About half way to the village you’ll come across Kales the farmer. He will give you a quest to hunt Grain Snufflers and bring back their tails as proof. They are the armadillo looking creatures roaming around in the field nearby. When finished, speak to him again to pick up another quest, which is to deliver grain to an NPC called Uno. This leads us to…

Akarios Village


A small note: you can always keep up to date on your current quests by pressing “J” by default. This will open up the Quest menu.

Upon entering the village you will get a message telling you about your first Campaign Quest. NPC’s that are associated with them carry a yellow arrow instead of the usual blue ones.

Go explore the village. Right by the entrance you’ll find the Soul Healer, talk to her and bind to the stone so that you can return quickly to this location later.

The first thing I would recommend you do after that is to find the trainer for your class and buy all the skill books there that you can afford. Once purchased, open your inventory and right click them. This will teach you new skills that you can use through your quickbar by dragging them from your Skills menu.

Check out the NPC’s that sell weapons, armor, and general items. They will also purchase your misc. items if you have any that you wish to sell. (for example, items earned by killing mobs)

Now go talk to all the people in the village that have arrows on them and accept their quests, as well as turning in the ones you’ve got. If you did what I told you earlier, than you should already be able to turn in the Aria collection quest to Polinia. Then head out the other exit of the village, towards Cliona Lake.

Once outside the village there should be an NPC not far from there with a yellow arrow. Go talk to her and she will give you a quest. By now you should have received a few quests that you can go complete.

Further up north by the lake there’s also an NPC with a quest for you. Check your map at the bottom right corner of the screen for directions. You can also press “M” by default to bring up a bigger map.

She will have you kill Brownbristle Brax around the lake. While doing so, they might drop a Quest item called “Broken Axe Handle”, so be sure to pick that up and double click it to accept the quest.

Two quests will have you go to Agers farm, it’s located on the other side of the lake. Bigfoot Kerubs will drop the fangs you need.

Asmodae Beginners Level Guide – Part 3 of 3

By now you should have picked up some quests that you can turn in over at Aldelle Village. So use the flight path leading from Anturoon Crossing to the village to get there.

Once you arrive, go speak to Ulgorn, who will give you a quest.

And if you didn’t buy all Skill Manuals earlier, be sure to pick them up now.

Also, don’t forget to turn in whatever other quests you may have picked up earlier before you eventually leave the village and return to Anturoon Crossing again.

Turn in all the applicable quests once you arrive.

Go back to the plantation site. While following the path, go down into the valley on the left. Keep going until you reach the cave inside the tree… you are now entering…

Dubaro Vine Canyon


Eventually you will come upon an NPC standing behind some logs. Talk to him to turn in and receive a quest.

Now head straight ahead, deeper into the canyon, and you will have to fight some mobs. Once you get past them you’ll find Rae.

Now you need to disable 3 generators to close the gate to the abyss, starting with the Green one.

When finished, talk to Rae. By now you should be level 9, which means you can go kill Hatata if you didn’t do so on the way, and before leaving for Aldelle Village turn in the quest to the NPC by the logs.

You can now begin..,

The Ascension Quest


Speak to Munin again and he will have you collect some cards. Do that.

They are located in Aldelle Village, Munihele Forest, and with an NPC standing on top of the hill where you killed the Brax earlier in Anturoon Crossing.

When you have the cards, go back to Munin to receive a vision. You’ll be taken to the abyss to fight.

There you go! Now you have completed the Ascension quest!

And there you have it. You are Level 10, and should also have received another Title.

Asmodae Beginners Leveling Guide – Part 2 of 3

Before going any further, make sure that you have a gathering skill of 10.

Follow the path until you cross a bridge. You will soon come upon..

Munihele Forest


Along the forest path there are more NPC’s with quests for you. The one where you are supposed to search for a lost ring can be found by killing Snufflers. (armadillo like mobs)

The same character also tells you to run back to Aldelle Village for him. Don’t do this immediately, instead continue on into the forest until you come upon a cabin with a witch standing in front of it.

Talk to her and complete the errands she asks you to do… finally you will be transported into the abyss.

Note: One of her errands include killing Whitefoot Daru’s. When doing so they might drop a quest item (old scroll).

Note 2: On the Lost Axe quest, answer no to the first two questions, and yes to the Rusty Axe.

Once the vision clears, talk to the witch again, this time about Rae missing. Next talk to the “Cute Ribbit”, and finally with Rae.

Now it’s time to head back to Aldelle Village, which is easily accomplished by using your Return spell. Turn in any quests you’ve got unfinished.

After that, head up to the Flight Transporter. Talk to him and then fly to..

Anturoon Crossing


When you arrive, the first thing you ought to do is bind to the Soul Healer’s stone. Then you can turn in any of the quests you might have, and of course start picking up new ones.

As always, look for the NPC’s with yellow or blue arrows over their heads.

Quest notes: For the Brax Skins quest, only the adult versions of this mob will drop skins, so don’t mind the other ones.

If you finished the Black Opal Quest line you should now have a Treasure Hunter title as well. This one adds +4 Accuracy to your stats.

After turning in all the quests for this area, and doing all follow up quests, it’s time for some grinding. In this case, Fruit grinding… you need to get your gathering skill to 15 so that you are able to collect ore a little later.

Done? Ok, let’s move on. Head north to the right of the Anturoon post until you find the Prison Camp. In it, there are more quests to be found and completed.

Finish those, and then continue up north. You’ll eventually come across a path leading to some purple crystals. Keep going until you reach the top of the hill, and there you will see an NPC inside one of those crystals. Talk to him to receive a quest.

You can now go back to Anturoon Crossing. Use your Return spell if possible.

Derot might have a quest for you to go back to the same NPC you just met (Munin). If so, do that before continuing on with the guide.

When you’re back at Anturoon Crossing again, this time take the path leading left. In time you will see a camp of NPC’s, as usual you should talk to them and pick up any quests they might have.

Then move on to the Odella Plantation to finish them.

Asmodae Beginners Level Guide – Part 1 of 3

Alright, here we are with the beginners Aion leveling guide for the Asmodian faction of the game. This will hopefully get you started and able to choose a class as quickly as possible.

You start the game in the Aldelle Basin, located in the far east region of the map. In front of you will be an non player character (NPC) with a blue arrow above his head. Talk to him and he will direct you to towards another character a little further away.

Once you’ve traveled there, talk to him to receive your first quest; to kill 4 Spriggs. Once you’re done with the task, talk to him again. Now he will send you to a camp located north west of your current position.

On your way there, make sure you collect Azpha plants that grow along the way (you do this by right clicking) This will raise your gathering skill level.

When you get to the camp, talk to the NPC’s there. One of them will give you the next two quests. The first is to gather Sprigg Fruit, which can be found to the north. The second quest is also about gathering, but this time it’s Glowing Spheres, and they are dropped by Hill Sparkies and Highland Sparkles (also found to the north).

Return and talk to the NPC each time you finish a quest to get the next one. Once you’re done, continue on south west of the camp until you come upon..

Aldelle Village


Note: A simple way to keep up do date with all the quests you pick up is to press “J” by default, which brings up the Quest menu.

As you enter the village your Quest menu will show that you got a Campaign quest. These are quests related to the game’s storyline. The NPCs related to them have a yellow arrow assigned to them (the normal ones have a blue arrow).

Besides picking up quests from NPC’s, here are some other things you should do:

Speak with the Soul Healer located near the entrance of the village and bind to the stone next to her by right clicking it. This will allow you to quickly travel to this location later.

Next, Find your Class Trainer and buy all the skill books that you can and right click them in your inventory to learn them. To use them, just drag them to your quickbar.

The third thing you should do is pay a visit to the Weapon, Armor, and general item dealers of the town. You probably won’t afford anything right now, but you can sell misc. items for Kinah as well. (these are items dropped by mobs you kill)

After picking up all the quests and completing the above list of things to do, head west of the village. There on the shore you’ll find a fisherman that also has a quest for you.

When you’re done with all the quests and follow ups, keep heading south on the path to the left into the valley.

Aion Kinah Guide – Professions

Whether you are Asmodian or Elysian, there’s one thing you will always be in need of to make it anywhere in this game; Kinah. Just as in real life there are several ways to make a living. This Aion kinah guide will give you some ideas. Some of them take more time and skill than others, but for the imaginative player there are loads of options for making bundles of Kinah.

Here’s a list of possible ways to provide a service to other players and make a profit from it:

1) Aquire low-value Manastones and upgrade them

By use of Alchemy you can turn low grade Manastones into higher grade ones that are more sought after. For example, buying stones that are both impopular and low grade and then turning them into high grade sought after ones using the Manastone Exchange Quests.At the time of writing, the most popular stones are the Attack stones and Critical Hit stones, as well as Magic Boost and Accuracy.

2) Making consumables using Cooking or Alchemy

Because players of all classes need them they are always in high demand. What items you choose to specialize in will depend on two things: The first thing is supply vs. demand. If there are already a lot of players making a certain item, you might not be able so sell as much of it. Also, unless you can get the materials needed for the creation of the item at a lower price than what you sell for, it’s obviously not going to be profitable.

3) Buying when the tax is low

Not exactly a service, but a profitable strategy for any salesman. Be smart and purchase any of the materials you need when the tax is low, and sell when it’s high.

4) Making sought after equipment in low supply

If you keep your eyes and ears open about what players are eagerly looking for, and compare the numbers wanting it with the number of players selling it; you have just found yourself another source of income.

5) Buying lots and selling few for a profit

Certain items are required for quest completion, and then only in small numbers. A lot of players sell huge amounts of items at a time for a bulk price. A player only looking to complete a quest might find it unattractive to buy that many when he or she only needs a few. What you do is, you buy in big quantities, but you sell them piece by piece for a profit. Lets say you bought 100x of something for 100.000 kinah. That’s 1000 kinah a piece… now you go and sell that item for 2000 or maybe even 3000 depending on your competition. Kinah in the bank!

6) Selling equipment that look like better ones

By going to the Abyss and gaining AP, you can then aquire parts of the Green Holyspirit and Evilspirit gear. Now you’re wondering.. so what? Well, their skins happen to look exactly like the strongest level 50 Abyss Gear. And if you exchange skins with other gear, you can then sell that equipment for a higher price. The value for the buyer being that other players might not want to risk attacking him because it looks like he’s got better gear than he actually does.

7) Making more characters for a bigger profit

If you create several characters in the same faction, get them up to level 10 and able to use the Broker, that means you are able to put up more items for auction (10 items per character), and move them around between each other as well. By doing this you accomplish two things; faster income and more inventory storage space. Win, Win.

8 ) Gathering and selling Aether or other needed items

Because Aether is required for producing other things, there’s always someone out there who wants to buy it. Yes, everyone can gather it themselves, but not everyone has the time or energy to do so. That’s where you come in, providing a service. Besides Aether, you can also sell jewels, herbs, and other items used for different types of Crafting. Which ones will have to depend on supply and demand. That’s something you’ll always need to think about no matter what you’re selling.

Good luck!


Source: thisisgame

Translated by: jameinkaiser

Your heart is up there in the sky, but the reality is that you?re a mere human who can only kick against the ground and run. If you?ve been selected as a Daeva but haven?t really had the chance to play Aion, make sure to check out this article!

Note: This guide is speed-oriented, not fun-oriented, to make you become a Daeva as quickly as possible. If you have quests piling up or haven?t played the game yet and are curious about the details, this guide is for you.


Plains of Akarios > Clione Lake

1. Plains of Akarios > Clione Lake

2. Daminu Forest > Melpone?s Camp

3. Kabara Mines > Poja Road

Receive quest ?Lv1. New Mission? from NPC Elpis who?s standing right across from you as soon as the intro cutscene ends.

Quest ?A Voice from the Dreams” isn?t going so well so let?s exclude that from the list.


Talk to the NPCs with cyan diamonds over their heads to receive quests.

Follow the path and you?ll see Mires. Talk to Mires to complete ?Lv1. New Mission? quest and receive ?Lv1. Hunting Kerubim.?

The Kerubims can be found spread out around Mires, so quickly kill three and talk to him again.

Report to Mires and receive ?Lv1. Recovering Crops.


The sacks of crops can be found beyond the hills behind Mires. After collecting [four sacks of crops] return to Mires.

There are some people having trouble finding this area. It?s right over the hill behind Mires so don?t go wandering off somewhere far!

After completing ?Recovering crops,? report back to Mires. Receive ?Lv2. Mission Report.?

Follow the path towards Town Akarios and you will see Kales Farm. Receive ?Lv2. Problematic Merdion? from Kales.


Croplicker Merdions can be found in the farm adjacent to Kales?. Report back after you?re done.

This farmer may not be as noticeable because he?s always fighting monsters. Make sure to keep this in mind!

Once you get to level 3 through quests you will receive ?Lv 3. New Skills? quest. If you?re not level three yet, kill some mobs around you to get to level 3 then head to Town Akarios.

Once you enter Town Akarios you will automatically receive ?Lvl 3. Call to Arms.?

Save your location to Akarios.

Receive ?Lv3. Lost item without an owner? from Minaring.

Receive ?Lv3. Uno?s Ingredients? from Uno.


Go to your class trainer and complete ?New Skills? quest. Purchase up to level five skill books.

Mage trainer was inside the church. But a kid(…) Lets? get as many books as we can.

Complete ?Mission Report? by talking to Akarios Teleporter Polysia and receive ?Lv2. (Repeat) Capturing Angelicas.?

Every time you see an Angelica pluck it out.

Complete ?Lv3. Call to Arms? with Kalion who is standing in front of Polysia, then receive ?Lv3. Kerubim Threat,? ?Lv4. Elym Tribe?s Request,? ?Lv7. Explore Kabara Mines,? ?Lv8. Odium Purification(?),? and ?Lv9. ??????.?

As you are exiting through the northern entrance, receive ?Lv4. Book for Namus? from Melampus.

Renew ?Lv3. Kerubim Threat? with Muranes standing next to Melampus.


Seek Peira of Clione Lake and receive ?Lv4. Unwanted Guest of Clione Lake.

Peria and Kerubims can be found in these locations

Get to the opposite side of the lake and obtain six Hive meats.

While you?re at it, kill five Brown Furred Braxes and five Repsma.


Once you?re on the other side of the lake, kill small-horned Kerubims.

Return to Muranes at the town?s entrance and renew ?Lv3. Kerubim threat.?

Go further in where you found the small-horned Kerubims and collect ?five Kerubim cuspids? from Bigfoot Kerubims.

Occasionally the Kerubim boss called Parurura would pop out. He only has a little more health than a regular mob so you shouldn?t really have much trouble killing him.

As you are killing Kerubims make sure to pick up ?five bottles of wine? lying around.

Return to Peira and report. Complete ?Unwanted Guests of Clione Lake.?

Return to Muranes at the entrance and renew ?Lv3. Kerubim Threat? once more.

Turn in ?Kerubim Threat,? ?Uno?s Ingredients,? and ?Lost Item Without an Owner? to Kalion, Unio, and Minaring, respectively.


Receive ?Lv6. Hyean?s Clothes? from the armour/weapons vendor.

Receive ?Lv6. An Object to Light the Night? from Pranoua as you are on your way to Daminu Forest.

If you don?t pay attention you?ll walk by him without noticing him..

Then the quests lead you to Melpone Camps and Daminu Forest.

Killerguides Aion Guide Review

Killerguides recently published an Aion guide and I just couldn’t resist of getting myself a copy of it. Even though I already posted a few guides here, more info is always welcome so if you’re interested in it keep reading!

There’s plenty of info on various subjects, and while it may not be extremely useful for those who have been participating in the beta for months, those who are rather new to the game will surely find something for their taste. It might be especially useful if you preordered Aion and want to participate in the upcoming beta weekends. Here’s a short list of just some of the content:

  • Table of contents (1-33)class and factions info
  • divine power
  • equipment (weapons & armor)
  • leveling
  • professions
  • stigmas (stones, quests, shards, skills)
  • quests and quest types
  • selling items
  • kinah strategies
  • legions
  • titles
  • leveling guide 10-20 for both factions (will be updated soon!)
  • Abyss
  • user interface
  • macros
  • enhancements

Table of contents (34-121)

This unofficial Aion guide is constantly updated, usually after each beta weekend. A few parts are still work in progress, but I’m sure it will be finished by the time Aion is released. It’s great to see such info gathered in one nicely written guide, but there is one downside: it comes at a price. If you ask me it’s worth it, but it’s your call.

The price of the guide is $29,99, which in my opinion is more than fair. Once you order here you’re also eligible for free updates so whether you get it now or in few months makes no difference. However, the guide has a discount price right now and you can get it for $19,99 — the offer lasts only for the next two days though so hurry up if you want your copy.

Oh, and I almost forgot: the first five people who post a comment on this post get a free copy of this Aion guide, courtesy of Killerguides. You get the real deal with all the goodies and free updates of course! Just be sure to use a working email and your name so I can forward it!

Giveaway over, thanks for participating!